Why You Should Buy Travel Insurance; Every Time You Travel

Once upon a time there was a woman who went on a trip to Cancun.  It was fun; it was fabulous, and she did things totally out of her comfort zone like booking a Catamaran boat ride.  Well, needless to say before the boat even left the dock, she had a sprained ankle.  Okay, stop the story!  Let’s have some full transparency here.  The woman was me.  Yep, I sprained my ankle on the boat before it left the dock.  So, here I am in Cancun with an extremely painful sprained ankle.  Yet, I had a saving grace tucked away in my bag.  Yes, my travel insurance information.  Boy, was I ever happy I wasn’t going to have a doctor bill when I left the resort because let’s be honest I already had enough pain.  So, today I am going to help you be like me and know the wonderful power of travel insurance.

By Kavonda L. Rogers

I know you are probably thinking “Listen Lady I don’t need another thing added to the cost of my trip!”  I completely understand your point of view but once you understand travel insurance and what it covers, I think you mind may change.  Let’s explore the wonderful benefits of a travel insurance policy.  I won’t be covering every benefit, but I will cover what is in most basic level policies.  By no means am I am insurance agent, but I am just sharing my knowledge.

You Need to Cancel Your Trip

This is the most common use of travel insurance.  This allows you to cancel your trip and receive at least 50% of what you have paid thus far back.  This is worth it’s weight in gold considering most travel brands have pretty strict cancellation policies that do not benefit the consumer. 

Your Flight is Cancelled

When weather cancels your flight and you are unable to return to your home destination or get to your destination.  Having trip interruption will cover the flight change or get you a stay at a comfortable hotel until you can fly again. 

Hurricane Damage at Your Destination

If you are a resident of the Southeast or Northeast coastlines in the United States this is a familiar part of life.  Yet, travel insurance will cover if the destination you are traveling to is being ravaged by a hurricane. You will be able to cancel, or reschedule your trip without hefty fees and penalties.  

You Get Sick or Injured on Your Trip

If you get ill or get injured (sprained ankle pops to mind) during your trip your travel insurance will cover your medical expenses.  This is great since most medical insurance plans do not cover international medical services. 

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Your Bags are Lost or Delayed

There is nothing worse than getting to baggage claim and your bags are no where to be found.  If you have travel insurance, then you can call a 1-800 number and your bags will be located and returned to you.  If your bag can not be located the coverage will allow you to be reimbursed for new clothes, personal items and even a new suitcase to take your items home. 

Cancel for Any Reason

This coverage is my favorite!  Why? Well like it says you can cancel for any reason and still get at least 50% of your travel costs refunded to you.  This not a part of a basic travel insurance package but can be an added waiver.  This is best for unexpected things that happen like you get denied for your passport.  Also, this option is not available in New York.

I hope you have learned some things in this crash course on travel insurance.  So, next time you book that great vacation add some travel insurance I am sure you won’t regret it. 

Have you ever had any travel mishaps or injuries where you wish you would have had travel insurance?  If so, tell me about them in the comments below. 

I’m Kavonda L. Rogers and I’m a Certified Travel Agent who specializes in Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Group Travel in Mexico, Hawaii and the Caribbean.

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