10 Best Vegan & Vegetarian Travel Destinations

Let’s be real for a moment.  Travel can be a very overwhelming thing for any individual.  Things get especially wonky when you add in additional factors like small children, teenagers (they seem to never like anything) and job restrictions etc.  In the past year I have acquired a lot of new clients who are Vegan or Vegetarian. Due to this new type of traveler I have had to expand my knowledge of vegan and vegetarian travel destinations.   For the sake of complete transparency, I am not a vegan or vegetarian.  Yet, even if you aren’t one the chances of you traveling with someone who is, are very high. Actually, the chances are getting higher by the moment.   So, today I’m going to prepare you whether you are Vegan/Vegetarian or just have friends and family who are.  Also, make sure you stick around till the end where I will share with you an amazing tip on how to make your vegan and vegetarian travel super easy.  Let’s get started.

By Kavonda L. Rogers


Our first stop on the world map is Scotland believe it or not.  Scotland is the friendliest place for vegans and vegetarians in the United Kingdom.  Common food options include Vietnamese salad, bean burritos and porcini risotto to name a few.  If you visit Scotland, make sure to visit the Flying Duck pub which is the most popular vegan pub in Scotland.


If you have ever traveled to Singapore is well known for its vegan and vegetarian cuisine.  You will mostly find this type of cuisine at open market eateries and hawker markets.  Hawker markets are markets where you can haggle for your food and it is a lot of fun.  Since, Singapore has such a large South Indian population it has a lot of Indian food as well.  As you may or may not know a large portion of Indian cuisine is vegetarian or vegan based.  If you do get tired of Indian fare during your trip, then you can go to the Original Sin restaurant and enjoy some Mediterranean cuisine.  Mediterranean food, in case you didn’t known, also has a strong Vegetarian foundation.  


Next, we hop on over to Israel and it’s called a Vegan paradise.  Nearly 1 in 20 residents in Israel consider themselves Vegan.  Israel is such a vegan paradise that their Domino’s Pizza chains have varieties of Vegan pizza on its menu. 


I specialize in Caribbean travel, so I had to throw a few Caribbean locales in the mix.  The first one is Jamaica.  I know Jamaica does not seem on the surface to fit this category, but it does.  Jamaica is the homeplace of the Rastafarian community and they eat a plant-based diet.  So, all the Rasta eateries are a vegan and vegetarian refuge.  If you visit Jamaica be sure to stop in at Stush in the Bush which is an upscale Rasta eatery in Northern Jamaica.  I promise Chris & Lisa Binns, the owners, will make you feel right at home.


Vegan and Vegetarian by Honeymoons & Vacations by Vonda

Are you tired yet?  Don’t run out of steam yet we are off to Bali in French Polynesia.  This is another place where vegan cuisine is paramount.  Indonesian food is a combination of rice, tofu, noodles and plant-based curries.  With those bases there are vegan options for days.  If you are feeling a little adventurous the Beet Caviar Salad is worth a try.  Also, don’t forget to see a movie at the Paradiso.  The first and currently only vegan movie theater in the world.


Speaking of societies based around plant based living Taiwan is definitely one.  Since Taiwan has a large Taoist and Buddhist population many of its citizens live a plant-based life.  If you are looking for the vegan or vegetarian eateries look for the reverse swastikas on the outside of the restaurant doors.  Whenever you see the symbol it means the restaurant serves Taoist and Buddhist food.  If you are in the market district, make sure you seek out Shihn Night market has lots of Vegan and vegetarian eateries.


I briefly mentioned Indian food before when I spoke about Singapore.  So, I must include India on this list.  South India is considered the ancient birthplace of Vegetarianism.  Almost one half of South India’s population is Vegetarian.  The Vegetarian restaurants use Pure Veg labels on their doors and advertisements.  So, make sure you look for those signs. 


Thailand is the next stop on this list.  The Chiang Mai area of Thailand has over 80 Vegetarian restaurants.  Yes, 80!  The interesting thing is they are all known for their own special dish.  You can eat a different dish every day of your stay.  I would say that is a plan not a challenge.  Like Taiwan; Thailand has a large Buddhist population, so Vegan/Vegetarian food is plentiful.   Even the traditional Indian eateries have basic vegan options such as Tom Yum Soup and coconut milk curry dishes. 

South Korea

We are almost at the end of our culinary journey and the next stop is South Korea.  Vegetarian foods are very common on Korean Menus.  Like other countries in this part of Asia there is a large Buddhist population and a plant-based diet is part of their worship.  When you are traveling through this part of the country you can ask about where temple food is served.  Temple food is the food eaten by Buddhist monks and is vegetarian or vegan based. 

St. Lucia

Vegan and Vegetarian by Honeymoons & Vacations by Vonda

My last destination is one of my personal favorites and it’s in the Caribbean.  St. Lucia!  St. Lucia is super Vegan and Vegetarian friendly since so many varieties of plants and fruit trees grow easily there.  Most restaurants will even adjust popular St. Lucian meals to fit a Vegan or Vegetarian diet.  You just have to ask. 

I hope you have learned from this list of travel destination I have shared with you. If a destination surprised you, then drop it in the comments below.  I would love to know about it. 

Oh, and let me not forget about the free tip to make your travel as a vegan or vegetarian super easy.   Go to google and type in I am a vegan or vegetarian and then the language of the country you are visiting.  You can print this out and attach it to an index card or card stock.  Next step is to either put it in a sandwich bag or get it laminated.  Now, that you have this card simply show it before ordering your food.  If there is anything in a dish you request that might not fit the bill you can be told.  

I’m Kavonda L. Rogers and I’m a Certified Travel Agent who specializes in Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Group Travel in Mexico, Hawaii and the Caribbean.

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