Top 10 Honeymoon Planning Tips

Humans have been getting married for centuries and by know, you think it would be easy.  Instead, it seems to get more complicated.  It can take over 100 hours to plan the average wedding.  Yet, most couples only spend around 2 -3 hours planning their honeymoon.  Talk about irony!  Over 100 hours on 1 day and 3 hours on something that lasts 7-14 days.  After spending over 20 years planning weddings and almost 10 years planning honeymoons; I have helped hundreds of couples make their dreams come true.  Yet, the honeymoon often takes the back seat even though it means so much to the couple.  Today I will provide 10 honeymoon tips to help make the most of your 2-3 hours of honeymoon planning.  So, your 7-14 days of honeymoon time will be just as amazing as the day you said your vows.

By Kavonda L. Rogers

Before You Leave

  1. Make your honeymoon a part of your wedding planning process. Yes, write it down and make it a part of the process.  This will allow you to stay on top of the planning and not wake up 2 months prior to your wedding knowing the honeymoon has been forgotten.
  2. Be Realistic. That word honeymoon holds a lot of weight.  It conjures images of certain things in your mind.  No reason to think that your honeymoon must be perfect.  Relax, have fun and know that there will be bumps in the road (delayed flights, or the air conditioning goes out in the transfer on the way to the resort).  Take it all in stride and know you’ll laugh about it in 10 years.
  3. Decide what type of honeymoon you want. Honeymoons come in all shapes and sizes.  You can go to the beach, you can backpack around Europe, you can take a Hawaiian cruise.  The options are endless, and the choice is yours.  Just make sure you know what type of honeymoon appeals to you as a couple. 
Honeymoon Planning
  1. Hire a travel agent. I’m not saying this because I am one.  I am saying it because it takes another task off your already overloaded plate.  A travel agent can handle all the details of your honeymoon from start to finish.  No time spent researching or waiting for answers in Facebook groups.  Cut out all the middlemen and go to the source: a great travel agent.
  2. Don’t forget about home. I know the last few days before a wedding are super busy and sometimes stressful.  Yet, the last thing you want to do after a relaxing and rejuvenating honeymoon is a messy home.  Before you leave have a cleaning service come in or maybe even clean it up yourself.  Personally, I prefer the first option.

While You Are Gone

  1. No honeymoon wars! Remember that movie Bride Wars. Well, sometimes couples get up in Honeymoon Wars.  Do not get caught up in trying to trump someone else’s honeymoon.  Whatever you and your soon to be spouse chooses as your honeymoon plan is fabulous.  No one else matters.
  2. Don’t forget your documents. Nothing ruins a honeymoon faster than a misplaced id or a lost passport.  Before you leave for your honeymoon put all your documents in one location and make sure it is with your luggage.  Also, take photos of all your documents with your phone just in case anything gets lost. 
  3. Take too many photos. You will never get to relive this moment ever again.  So, wear out your camera and your phone.  Make sure to ask some fellow travelers to take some photos of you so you are both in the picture.  I promise no one will turn you down when you share you are on your honeymoon. 
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  1. Unplug. I know I just said take a lot of photos with your phone.  Yet, also spend time unplugged.  I know it will be hard, but you will thank me later.  Enjoy the time you have alone as a couple with no family, no friends, no distractions. It will be amazing.
  2. Pack light. Try to pack items that are multi-use.  Also, consider pieces that are interchangeable.  I have overpacked more times than I can count only to come home with half of my suitcase unused.  Now I pack light and selectively. 

Tell me about your honeymoon plans. If you have any questions don't hesitate to drop them in the comments below. If you are considering Jamaica for your honeymoon let me know where you are visiting in the comments below. Also, if you want more tips and info about all things travel sign up for my newsletter below.

I’m Kavonda L. Rogers and I’m a Certified Travel Agent who specializes in Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Group Travel in Hawaii and the Caribbean.

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