Before we dive into the pros and cons of a destination wedding let’s define a destination wedding.

According to TripSavvy  a destination wedding is a wedding that takes place away from the couples’ hometown. 

As a Destination Wedding Planner, I tend to be a bit more specific about my definition.  A destination wedding is a wedding that takes place one hundred or more miles from the location the couple calls home.   

No matter which definition you choose to use the bottom line is it is a wedding away from your home. 

Personally, I love the idea of a destination wedding (which is why I have been planning them for ten years).  Yet, you should understand that there are pros and cons to having a destination wedding. 

If you are trying to decide whether a destination wedding is the perfect wedding option for you then keep reading. Since I am a person who always tries to end things on a happy note, we will tackle the cons of destination weddings first.   

Pros and cons of destination weddings

Cons of a Destination Wedding

You Will Probably Need a Passport

The majority of destination weddings take place in Mexico and the Caribbean.  There is also an increase in European destination weddings as well.  Unless you plan to stay within the confines of the continental United States, Hawaii or Puerto Rico you will need a passport to get to your location. 

This is also an added cost if you do not already have a passport.  This will also be a hurdle for your guests as well. 

Destination Wedding Family Drama

In the spirit of full transparency destination weddings are far from the norm.  Only around 25% of couples worldwide have a destination wedding.  For this reason, many people are not used to a non-traditional wedding.  Not to mention a wedding where they pay to attend instead of the couple paying for them to attend. 

If you have a family that is not huge into travel you will find yourself in a whirlwind of destination wedding family drama.  People will question why “you can’t do what everyone else has done” or “where am I supposed to find money to go to Mexico”.

This is the point where many couples give up the dream of a destination wedding.  They don’t want to fathom the fact that their loved ones can’t or won’t attend their wedding.  Also, another side to the family drama may be relatives who can not travel due to age or health reasons. 

Destination Wedding Legal Requirements

When you have a wedding at home it is easy peasy.  You go to the courthouse or city hall and apply for your marriage license.  After receiving the marriage license you have a ceremony and mail it back to the government.

In the destination wedding world things are not that easy.  If you chose to have your wedding at a resort, then the destination wedding packages they offer will include the marriage license process.  They resort planners will make sure that you meet all the legal marriage requirements for your chosen country.

If you choose to marry outside of a resort, then you will need to hire a local wedding planner or a destination wedding planner in the United States.  These professionals can help educate you on the country’s wedding requirements and how you can get those requirements fulfilled. 

Pros of a Destination Wedding

Destination Weddings are Budget Friendly

Did you know the average wedding in the USA is over $26,000?  In my entire traditional wedding planning career, I have never planned a wedding that was less than $12,000 and I’m in the Southern USA. 

On the other hand, the average destination wedding cost around $8,000.  Not to mention they tend to throw in the amazing views for free.  This means that is you are a couple on a tight budget a destination wedding may be the best bet for you.

It is also common for couples to qualify for free destination weddings at certain resorts.  Many times, the requirements are a certain number of nights stay or having a certain number of guests attend and stay at the resort.

All- Inclusive Wedding Packages

My absolute favorite place to plan a wedding is at all-inclusive resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean.   Why?  I love these destinations because their wedding packages include everything you need to have an amazing wedding. 

All-inclusive resorts also have several packages so you can choose what fits your wedding style.  If you want to get married at the beachfront or even in a garden, they have you covered.  Most destination wedding packages are based on guest count. 

I also love the fact that once you arrive you can keep your wallet in the suite safe because everything is included.  So, whether you want to have a glass of champagne to celebrate or dive deep into your favorite dish. . . it’s included in your cost.

This is also a great way to convince those family and friends who may be on the fence about attending.  Nothing motivates people than knowing all their meals and adult beverages are included.

Smaller Guest List

According to the average destination wedding has around 48 guests. In my experience this is right on the money.  Most of my clients have a minimum of 10 guests and as many as 60.  Yet, the average is usually 40-50 guests.

The reason that destination weddings are smaller is because guests tend to eliminate themselves from the celebration.  Whether it is because of family obligations, financial reasons etc. guests will not be able to attend. 

This is great for you as the couple because it lowers your wedding costs.   With guests eliminating themselves it helps avoid touchy subjects like family pressure to invite guests you may not want at your wedding.  (i.e. your grandmother’s best friend of forty years who you don’t even remember). 


You Are Already on Your Honeymoon

One of the major perks of a destination wedding is after you get married there is no need to catch a flight because you are already on your honeymoon.  In addition to the destination wedding incentives you have received know you will receive honeymoon incentives.  Double Win!!!!

In general, most guests will leave the day after your wedding or at the most the next business day.  This means now you have the time to celebrate and explore the destination as a couple. 

You can participate in excursions throughout your location.  You can enjoy that couples massage by the beach.  The options are endless. The best part you didn’t have to incur any additional costs.

Do you think a destination wedding is for you?  In most cases the pros of a destination wedding highly outweigh the cons of a destination wedding.  If you are having a destination wedding and this post helped you, please let me know in the comments below.