5 Things to Know Before Setting Your Destination Wedding Budget

I get it you have googled until your fingers are sore and you are still no closer to starting your destination wedding planning.  Every answer you think you have simply leads to another question.  You want to set your destination wedding budget but have no idea where to begin.  Have no fear frazzled bride or groom the Destination Wedding Diva is here.  (I know it was corny, but I couldn’t resist.)  I am going to share with you the 5 Things to Know Before Setting Your Destination Wedding Budget. 

By Kavonda L. Rogers

Narrow Down Your Destination Options

Seems simple right? This seems like a crazy step, but it is a necessary one. I have asked past clients what their choices were for their destination wedding and they tell me Mexico and the Maldives and all points in-between (meaning Jamaica, Hawaii, Aruba etc.).  The problem with these choices is that yes, they are tropical beach locations but that is where the similarity ends.  Aruba, Hawaii and the Maldives are all considered luxury locations while Mexico and Jamaica are more budget friendly.  Narrow your destination down to 2 or 3 locations and be specific.  You want to choose cities or regions if possible.  This way you won’t be as overwhelmed by the options available.

All-Inclusive or Cruise?

Destination Wedding by Honeymoons by Vonda

Whenever I ask my clients this question, and I usually get that moment of “They have cruise weddings?”. Yes, they have cruise wedding but that is for another blog post.  Honestly, both options offer the same thing.  A simple and easy wedding/honeymoon format.  Traditionally, most destination weddings occur at an all-inclusive resort, but cruise weddings are on the rise.  Yet, the cruise option can be a bit more affordable if you are on a tight budget or you are having problems obtaining a passport.   With the number of cruises available it is an option worth considering.

How many guests will you invite?

Whether you chose a cruise wedding or an all-inclusive resort you will need to think about guests. Please note there are just certain people who will not travel (especially out of the country) to a wedding.  Don’t take this personal it’s just how the cookie crumbles.  As the bride and groom, you are not required to pay for their travel (flight/accommodations) but you are required to pay for their place in your wedding package.  This cost will need to be added to your destination wedding budget.  Wedding packages usually account for up to 20 guests.  After that you will need to pay an additional fee per guest.  These fees can range from $35-$125 per guest. 

How much time can you afford to take off?

This is important because many marriage laws and resorts require a minimum stay in order to get married legally in their country. This can be a little as 2 days PRIOR to the wedding and as many as 3 days.  You want to avoid a country or a resort where the marriage laws will require you to exceed the amount of time you can take off from work. 

Are you and your fiancé(e) able to obtain passports?

If you consider these times you will for certain be 5 steps closer to setting a destination wedding budget. Also, if you are seriously considering a destination wedding then make sure to check out the State Department’s website to ensure your wedding will be recognized by the United States government. 

If you need more Destination Wedding Planning info be sure to get my free download 7 Steps to Plan Your Destination Wedding. It’s free I promise.

If you are already planning a Destination Wedding, please tell me where it will be. I would love to know.

I’m Kavonda L. Rogers and I’m a Certified Travel Agent who specializes in Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Group Travel in Hawaii and the Caribbean.

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